Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School
Attn: Lamar A. Phillips, Director of Bands & Orchestra
3200 E. Lafayette
Detroit, MI 48207
Tel: 313-494-7373 ext. 9095
Alt #: (313) 509-5320
We are accepting engagements for the 2022-2023 season. We are, however, VERY mindful of COVID 19 standards of safety. That is what will determine engagements accepted and denied along with other parameters. Send us a message in the box below or give us a call if you have any questions! To request an engagement, send us a letter via mail to the address above or attach a letter to an email requesting the band. In the letter on your organization's official letterhead, please include the following:
-Ensemble requested (marching, jazz, brass, etc.)
-Date requested
-Nature of event
-Transportation arrangements that you are providing
-Amount of any donations you plan to contribute to the band
We appreciate all requests and donations. Your support helps our band continue to grow funding things like uniform cleaning, instrument maintenance, music purchasing, and many other things.
It is vital that all requests be received at least THREE weeks in advance. The further in advance you request a booking, the greater the chances that you'll see us at your next event!